Hinderaker Reunion 2008

Photo Collection


An Afternoon of taling and sharing at the 2008 Hinderaker Reunion Enjoying Lunch at the 2008 Hinderaker Reunion

An Afternoon of talking and sharing


Allan Britson, Ward Britson, Les Hinderaker,
Everett Britson and Rich Hinderaker -
Talking and Eating
Tim Maakestad and family at the 2008 Hinderaker Reunion Britson Brothers at the 2008 Hinderaker Reunion

Tim Maakestad, Wendy Maakestad and James, Jake and Jakota Maakestad


The Britson Brothers; Allan and Ward and Everett


Bob and Kari Peterson at the 2008 Hinderaker Reunion 2008 Flooding in Hardin County, Iowa

Bob and Kari Peterson joined us in the afternoon


Although the reunion was fun, we were all
aware of the flooding which has affected
many area farmers, this year.



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